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Hulett’s Whitefly Treatment for Protecting Tropical Plants

Whiteflies can be a nuisance to your lawn and outright ruin your luscious landscaping. Contrary to their name, they are not a species of fly, but winged insects that thrive on sucking out a variety of plant nutrients or sap, resulting in stunting plant growth or even worse, killing them altogether. If you do not treat your plants at the first site, they can quickly eradicate your beautiful vegetation. It’s important to call a trusted whitefly professional to treat them at the source to prevent further damage. Both the Ficus and Spiraling Whitefly are common throughout South Florida as they rapidly reproduce in the warm humid weather.

Because different species of whitefly respond differently to various control methods, it is important to correctly identify and treat your lawn immediately before they spread. Don’t let Whiteflies take over your lawn – Just Call Hulett.

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Signs of Fig (ficus) Whitefly Infestation

The adult whitefly resembles a very small moth with a yellow body and white wings with a faint grey band in the middle of the wings. Immature stages (eggs and nymphs) can be found primarily on the underside of the leaves. Adult whiteflies typically can be seen flying from the foliage.

Your homes landscape can amount to 25% of your home’s value. Don’t allow these invaders to destroy your beautiful South Florida Landscape.

Fig Whitefly can affect a wide variety of South Florida’s beautiful tropical plants such as:

A weeping fig plant.

Weeping Fig

Weeping fig plant.

Ficus Benjamina

A large Banyan plant.

Banyan Trees

Palm trees in an open outdoor space.

A wide variety of Palms

Signs of Spiraling Whitefly Infestation

White spirals leave a buildup of a white waxy substance on the underside of leaves. This substance coats the eggs and immature whiteflies. If spiraling whitefly populations build-up greatly, infested plants can become covered with the white, waxy substance.

This can sometimes become weakened and also be disfigured by the black sooty mold that grows on the insects excrement (referred to as honeydew).

Plants are not the only victim of spiraling whiteflies. Swimming pools are also effected where there are infestations. Spiraling whiteflies deplete chlorine in pools and cause filter clogging which leads to cloudy pools. The sticky honeydew mess whiteflies produce can accumulate on cars or outdoor patio furniture if under an infested tree or plant.

Your homes landscape can amount to 25% of your home’s value. Don’t allow these invaders to destroy your beautiful South Florida Landscape.

Spiraling Whitefly can affect a wide variety of South Florida’s beautiful tropical plants such as:

A gumbo limbo tree.

Gumbo Limbo

Weeping fig plant.


Fruit hanging from a mango tree.

Mango trees

Palm trees in an open outdoor space.

A wide variety of Palms

Southern live oak.

Live Oak

Schedule Your FREE Inspection

Whitefly can ruin a wide variety of beautiful tropical plants in your lawn and can eradicate them quickly. At the first sight of a whitefly infestation, call Hulett immediately! Just Call Hulett!