A Property Management Pest Control Partnership!
Consumers depend on property management firms to provide a pest-free environment. Commercial properties not only attract lots of people, but a wide variety of pests too. Preventing pests in these high-traffic environments requires techniques that are not only effective, but protect employees and customers as well.

Retail Pest Control Services
One of the most common traits of a successful retail business is maintaining a positive public image. Imagine how just one customer seeing a pest problem in your business could adversely affect that image. In addition to being repulsive to shoppers, pests carry numerous harmful bacteria that can threaten the health of customers and staff.
The retail environment will always be vulnerable to pest infestation; with constant deliveries and heavy foot traffic in and out of the store, pests can arrive at any moment. Even if your business does not handle food, pest problems can take hold anytime goods and people are flowing through your premises.
Hulett’s Commercial Pest Prevention for retail stores works as your partner to alleviate worries and make your life easier. Hulett’s program is one of the premier in the industry, and utilizes the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach.
Hulett’s environmentally sensitive treatment options will keep your facility pest-free and protected. Our team will provide written reports designed to identify and correct conditions that are conducive to pest problems.
Healthcare Pest Services
Environmentally Sensible Healthcare Pest Control
The presence of pests in a healthcare facility can compromise the sterile nature of that environment. Pests can create unsanitary conditions that can lead to serious consequences for both your patients and your business.
Around-the-clock activity, patient rooms, cafeterias, laundry rooms, meeting rooms and numerous storage areas all create unique challenges when it comes to pest control. That is why it is crucial to work with a pest control company that understands the unique issues of the health care industry.
Hulett Environmental Services Pest Prevention program utilizes the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach and focuses on pest prevention, not just control. We have the personnel and the experience to design and implement a customized pest prevention program for your health care facility.
Hulett’s environmentally sensitive treatment options will keep your facility pest-free and protected. Our team will provide written reports designed to identify and correct conditions that are conducive to pest problems.
Commercial Pest Control for Restaurants
“There’s a bug in my food” is one of the last phrases or impressions you wish to leave with your patrons. As a restaurateur, you are dedicated to operating a clean, pest-free environment for your customers. Your continued success depends upon an enjoyable dining experience. Pests are a major threat to food safety because they carry several harmful pathogens associated with food-borne illness. Pest sightings could also lead to citations, fines or even being shutdown by the health department.
Whether your facility is large or small, Hulett Environmental Services Commercial Pest Prevention division is trained and equipped to handle any pest problem!
Hulett Environmental Services’ Commercial Pest Prevention for restaurants is the healthy solution you have been looking for. Hulett’s Commercial pest program is one of the premier in the industry, and utilizes the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. Hulett has the specialists, the protocols and the experience necessary to eliminate your pest problems and keep you in compliance. We help you identify critical control points and focus our efforts on pest prevention, not just control. This means you receive a more effective and convenient pest prevention system with GUARANTEED results.
Pest Impact on Your Business
We all know the old joke that begins “waiter there’s a bug in my soup…”. The truth is that; as a business owner; that should be the most terrifying phrase you ever hear a customer say. There are multitudes of ways a pest problem can impact your business from profit loss to lower employee morale to legal action.
The most impactful effect a pest problem can have on your business is in the form of negative publicity. In this day of instant information, a negative experience during your lunch crush is common knowledge in Japan before happy-hour. It’s not merely the customer making a scene or word of mouth attacks on your reputation, it’s networking sites, chat rooms, twitter accounts, blog’s and every other form of information dissemination up to and including the evening news! The most detrimental thing is that these are WRITTEN accounts that last for eternity and will be attached in thousands of ways to your businesses name online.
A pest infestation not only destroys your reputation, it can cause physical damage to your structure and your inventory, as well. Rats cause over $20 BILLION dollars per year in property damage. Rats have a physiological need to chew. They chew through drywall, chew on product containers, chew wiring and chew at insulation. Rodents soil or contaminate over $200 Billion in food supplies annually, worldwide. In addition to their NEED to chew, they constantly urinate and defecate. Thereby soiling whatever they happen to be standing on from fabric to whole foods to food containers.
It gets worse. Rodents & insects are vectors of disease. An infestation exposes you, your staff and your patrons to a litany of diseases with multi-syllabic names and multiple horrifying symptoms. This type of physical danger results in lower employee morale and productivity, and exposes you to potential regulatory sanctions (including fines and closure) as well as legal action from individuals affected and the local/state/federal government. There are United States Supreme Court precedents finding that “allowing potential adulteration contamination to exist is the fault of the Managers and Owners, irrespective of prior knowledge of the existence of a problem.” So, if you own a business you can be held legally responsible for anything that happens on your property whether you know about it or not!
Lost profits, damaged property, destroyed reputation, physical danger, potential lawsuits and legal action up to and including jail time! There is a lot to worry about if there’s “a bug in the soup.” Don’t worry – Just Call Hulett!