Every Homeowner’s Worst Nightmare: Spiders
Homes in South Florida are in need of spider control due to the prevalence of the creepy crawlers throughout the region. There are nearly 60 different species of the eight-legged arachnids in the state. Many homeowners consider pest control to be treatment for ants, lawn pests, rodents, or termites, whereas pest control for spiders may not always come to mind.
The sight of a spider crawling in your home is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Do not wait until spiders wreak havoc in your home to call an expert. Contact Hulett Environmental Services today for a FREE inspection by one of our trained inspectors that will discuss with you the options for pest and spider control. As a full-service and family-owned business operating in South Florida for the past 50 years, we are the go-to experts when it comes to spider control in South Florida.
The Prevalence of Spiders in South Florida
The subtropical climate of South Florida is home to many different types of spiders. If dealing with the spiders that live in South Florida was not enough, spiders may also be transported here in infested luggage, vehicles, packages, etc. One thing that all South Floridians can agree upon is that they do not want to have these spiders crawling and making webs in their home or business.
Because of the many different types of spiders, they can be found hiding throughout different parts of a home. Some spiders prefer hot and humid environments and will hide in your bathroom, the garage, or out by the garden hose. Others may prefer a drier environment, and will spin their webs in the corners of ceilings. Either way, when these spiders make their way into your home, it is vital to have the proper spider control and regular service to help maintain these creatures at bay.
Are These Spiders Dangerous?
Most spiders found within and around the home are typically harmless. This means that they are not aggressive or are not venomous enough to cause serious injury. Although these common household spiders may not pose a significant threat, even these pests are unsightly and can be quite disturbing when crawling and infesting your home. However, a few spiders within the state are highly venomous and can harm both humans and pets. For example, the Widow spiders and the Brown Recluse. If these species are present, spider control is even more imperative.
Widow Spiders
South Florida is home to many different species of Widow spiders. The “Black Widow” is commonly known and discussed amongst homeowners because of their venomous bite. What homeowners may not know is that the “Brown Widow” is perhaps even more prevalent in South Florida. Both of these Widows make irregular webs to catch and feed on insects, and are primarily found in undisturbed areas. They like to hide in a cluttered garage, outhouse, or shed, for example. This choice of habitat decreases their interactions with humans, but if they are accidentally disturbed or feel like they could be harmed, they are known to show aggression out of defense, especially if protecting their eggs. This is concerning because a bite from the black or brown widow can potentially cause serious injury. The Brown Widow, though usually less venomous and aggressive as compared to the Black Widow, is still concerning because they are also found near the outside of homes, in parks, landscaped areas, and in yard equipment.
Widow bites can be painful, and the neurotoxin can cause nausea, cramps, vomiting, swelling, and muscle pain. Most often, these symptoms will subside in a week or two. However, in rare cases, these symptoms may persist longer, be more severe, and can even be fatal. Because of this, you should always consult a medical professional after a spider bite. Luckily, this spider is easily identified by its shiny black or brown color, with the red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen. If you see this marking, or the characteristic spiny egg-sacks of the Brown Widow, be sure to proceed with caution.
Recluse Spiders
Similar to the Widow spiders, the Brown Recluse will hide in dark and undisturbed places, such as in and around cluttered attics, sheds, closets, and garages. Hence its name, “recluse”. Although the Brown Recluse is not native to South Florida, because of their tendency to infest stored materials within a garage or shed, on rare occasions these spiders can be transported during moving and can then be found infesting buildings and homes in South Florida. Thankfully, this spider has not been known to establish new colonies outside of its native range, and the small and localized infestations that are found in South Florida can be exterminated with proper pest control.
The Brown Recluse will typically flee or play dead to avoid interaction, but if the spider is accidentally touched when digging through a shed or closet, they are known to bite out of self-defense. A bite from a Brown Recluse is often initially painless, but still concerning because over time, the toxin may potentially cause necrosis, nausea, fever, or vomiting.
In most cases, the discomfort is localized to the bite and symptoms will subside in a week or two. However, in some cases the wound and toxin may spread, and the discomfort may last for months. Because of this, you should always consult a medical professional after a spider bite. Thankfully, this spider is also easily identified by the dark-brown marking in the shape of a violin on its back. For this reason, this spider is often called the fiddle-back spider.
Although bites from the Widows and Brown Recluse are rare in South Florida, homeowners can still find additional comfort knowing that they have a professional expert on standby for correct identification and treatment.
Common Spiders in South Florida
Wolf Spider
The majority of spiders in South Florida are not considered medically significant because they are not aggressive, or they do not maintain enough venom to cause serious illness. However, if accidentally touched, many can still give a painful bite.
Most of these spiders will be outside, and they feed on flying insects. However, when a spider infestation occurs on the inside, it can be unsightly and frightening. Unfortunate for South Floridians, spiders are very prevalent in our climate, and some will inevitably make their way into your home and around your landscape. For example, the Spiny Orb-Weaver, Orb-Weaver and garden spiders can be found trying to make webs in your screen enclosures, front entryways, or on the sides of homes planted with ornamentals. The Spiny Orb-Weaver in particular is sure to cause homeowners annoyance by making webs over pools, patios, and shrubs.
Spiny Orb-Weaver
Wolf spiders and jumping spiders will crawl through tiny cracks and crevices and invade homes to hunt for small insects on your walls and floors. Lastly, the spiders that everyone is familiar with, the cellar spiders and daddy longlegs will infest corners of your home near humid areas like the garage, kitchen, and bathrooms. We know it seems like a lot, but do not worry, Hulett Environmental Services knows where to look and what to do to take care of these infesting spiders.
Cellar Spider
How Hulett Treats for Spiders
You can rely on Hulett Environmental Services for your pest control and spider control needs. Often, spiders are best treated using a direct brush or spray at the time they are seen. When Hulett performs its recurring pest control service, we will treat any infesting spiders on sight. Moreover, any accessible cobwebs found near exterior lighting, front entryways, screen enclosures, and more, will be knocked down using a treated brush. By removing the cobwebs on the exterior of your home, we also effectively remove the flies and ants caught in the webbing. Removing these small insects takes away the spiders’ food source, making them less likely to return. The trained technicians at Hulett will also help protect your home from spider invasion by applying a repellent perimeter spray around the outside of your home and at common entry points, creating a barrier around your home. At Hulett, our treatments are eco-friendly, pet-friendly and non-disruptive.
Schedule Your FREE Inspection Today
If you see spiders or egg sacks in and around your home, call Hulett Environmental Services today. When you call Hulett, you can rest assured that the job will be done right. Our technicians are trained to inspect and identify, and apply the appropriate treatment. Call Hulett today to learn more about our pest control and spider control programs. Contact Hulett Environmental Services today to schedule your FREE inspection or call 1-866-611-BUGS (2847).