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Protecting Your South Florida Lawn From Brown Patch Fungus

Maintaining a healthy and beautiful green lawn requires dedicated grass upkeep. From watering your grass the perfect amount to avoid oversaturation to knowing when to stop mowing as the slightly cooler weather approaches, yardwork is enough of a hassle on its own. When you find spots of brown, decaying grass dotting your yard, you may have a serious problem on your hands. 

To help you understand what these patches may be, the fungus that causes them, and how to protect your yard from disease, let the experts from Hulett Environmental Services guide you through everything you need to know about brown patch fungus. 

What Causes Brown Spots in Grass in Florida?

If you’re noticing brown spots in your grass, one likely culprit is the Rhizoctonia fungus. This common species of fungus causes brown patch disease, which is prevalent throughout South Florida’s lawns. 

Sunny conditions and cooler weather, particularly from November through May, allow this disease to flourish. When temperatures are consistently below 80° F, and there’s plenty of rain or humidity, lawns saturated with water become especially vulnerable.

What Does Brown Patch Fungus Look Like?

 A patch of brown dead grass indicates a fungal infection.

Brown patch fungus starts as small, circular spots, often no more than a foot in diameter. If left untreated, these patches can spread quickly, creating an unsightly pattern of dead and dying grass. 

Occasionally, these patches take on a yellow-brown halo or ring. While the grass inside this ring may appear healthy, it won’t stay that way if the disease continues to spread. Spotting these halos is one of the first clues to catching brown patch fungus before it wreaks havoc on your lawn.

Does a Patchy Lawn Mean I Have Fungus?

A patchy lawn isn’t always a sign of fungal disease. Several factors can lead to brown patches in lawns, such as grubs, excessive thatch, and even pet urine. Grubs feed on grass roots and create dead patches that feel sponge-like and are easy to pull up. Similarly, lawns with thick thatch layers may have brown spots due to dried-out grass trying to root in the thatch rather than the soil.

To rule out non-fungus causes, examine your lawn’s texture and appearance carefully. If the brown patches are surrounded by rings and don’t pull up easily, you may be looking at a fungal infection rather than damage from pests or pets.

Will Brown Patch Fungus Go Away on Its Own? 

Unfortunately, brown patch fungus won’t simply disappear. The patches may fade slightly as temperatures rise, but the fungus remains dormant in the soil. Without treatment, it will reemerge year after year, often spreading wider than before. For lawns facing recurring issues, professional treatment is the most effective to eradicate the problem.

How Do I Treat Lawn Fungus?

The best approach to tackling brown patch fungus is preventive care, even if you don’t suspect an infestation is present. Mow frequently, but avoid cutting the grass too short, which can stress it out. Aim to leave the blades at a height where they remain strong and better equipped to withstand disease. A healthy grass height, depending on factors like the season and type of grass, ranges from 2.5 to 4 inches tall.

This next tip is vital. Avoid overwatering your grass, particularly in cooler weather or high humidity, when fungus is most likely to thrive. Fertilization is also essential but should be balanced carefully, as too much nitrogen can add to the risk of brown patches.

These steps often prevent fungus from spreading, but recurring issues require professional fungicidal treatment. When you need help tackling your lawn fungus issue, just call Hulett

Our Top Lawn Care Steps for Green Lawns and Healthy Grass

 A happy smiling dog lies on a bed of lush green grass.

Many approaches to lawn care can help keep your grass vibrant and healthy. Even if your lawn is already in ideal shape, we recommend you:

  • Dethatch annually. Removing the thatch layer prevents the buildup of dead grass and decaying matter, which can harbor fungi and pests.
  • Water wisely. Water your grass early in the morning to give it time to dry throughout the day, avoiding the high humidity conditions that encourage fungal growth.

Protect Your Grass With Our Hulett Lawn Services

With over 50 years of experience handling South Florida’s lawn care challenges and maintaining green lawns, our team knows how to combat brown patch fungus and any other threats your grass may face. From careful assessment and customized treatment plans to our advanced fungicides, Hulett’s lawn service experts are proud to offer the best lawn fungus treatment in the Sunshine State.

Contact Hulett Environmental Services to schedule your lawn care consultation today!